About Claire B. Rubin

From 1990 – 2022, Claire B. Rubin & Associates,  a small firm located in Arlington VA, specialized in research and consulting in the fields of emergency management and homeland security. The firm served clients in the public, private, and non-profit sectors. Claire B. Rubin, president of the firm, is a social scientist with more than 40 years of experience in emergency management and homeland security. Her experience includes independent researcher, consultant, practitioner, and educator.

Ms Rubin has a long-time interest in recovery from disasters. She maintains several websites on disaster topics, most notably the blog on disaster recovery called Recovery Diva. She also maintains the blog called Disasters and Faith, which features resources related to faith-based organizations and disasters. In addition, she is the co-founder and moderator for three Facebook groups regarding emergency management.

She was affiliated with the The George Washington University’s Institute for Crisis, Disaster, and Risk Management from 1998 through 2014. In recent years, her firm has produced a variety of educational products and services, most notably the Disaster Time Line series and the Disaster Bookstore.

Ms Rubin is the author or editor of five books to date. She is the editor of the popular textbook, Emergency Management; the American Experience, 3rd Edition; 2019. She is the co-editor of U.S. Emergency Management in the 21st Century, published in 2000. She is a co-editor of the second edition of that book, which was recently completed and will be available in early 2025.

MsRubin has written more than 120 published articles and has presented numerous talks and lectures on emergency management and homeland security topics. She was the co-founder and Managing Editor of The Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management for 6 years. At the local level, Ms Rubin is active in CERT In Arlington County, VA. She has been an editor of 6 textbooks.

In recent years, she has been a guest lecturer at VA Tech, Georgetown University, and several other universities.

Background:   A profile of Claire B. Rubin was published in the spring edition of the Simmons University Alumnae Review. (May 2019). [ It is no longer available online.]

See article on Reflections on 40 Years in the Hazards and Disasters Community in Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Volume 12: Issue 4; 2015.